Arc System Works Co America, Inc. is pleased to unveil new details concerning the release of the limited edition version of the arena fighting game, KILL la KILL – IF for the Sony PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. Keep an eye on this page as well as our social media channels to find out where to pre-order. The KILL la KILL – IF Limited Edition for North America will retail with an MSRP of $99.99 USD.
The KILL la KILL – IF Limited Edition will include:
- KILL la KILL game (PS4 or Switch) with Reversible Cover Sleeve
- Full Color, 34 page Art Book
- 31 Song Original Soundtrack CD
- “Makoroquette” (Squishy Keychain)
- Limited Edition Box
Arc System Works brings perennial anime favorite KILL la KILL to life for gamers everywhere with intense 3D arena fighting action in KILL la KILL – IF. This time the story is centered around Satsuki Kiryuin and was written and supervised by the original scenario writer, Kazuki Nakashima! KILL la KILL – IF will feature all of your favorite characters like Ryuko Matoi and Ira Gamagoori and allows you to unleash their most powerful fighting techniques with graphics like they were ripped right out of the anime.
© ARC SYSTEM WORKS / ©TRIGGER,Kazuki Nakashima/Kill la Kill Partnership