Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator
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Get ready to ROCK! Astonishing 3D cell animations and overwhelming content volume, the next-generation fighting game “GUILTY GEAR Xrd -REVELATOR-” supports a total cast of 23 unique characters, killer mechanics, and tons of game modes.

Totally unique cast of 23 characters!
In “REVELATOR” we have 6 new characters from the previous entries of the series, namely “Johnny”, “Jack-O'”, “Kuradoberi Jam”, “Kum Haehyun”, “Raven” and “Dizzy”, coming to a total number of 23 playable characters!
*NOTE: “Kum Haehyun”, “Raven” and “Dizzy” can be unlocked by purchasing their respective DLCs. “Raven” can also be unlocked using in-game currency.

Extensive Game Modes
Beginners can feel at ease with our step-by-step training program, from Tutorial Mode being remodified into an action game to learn the ropes, to the introduction of Stylish Mode that allows easy inputs for Special Attacks, and more! You can also visit the in-game FAQ to find out answers to popular questions on how to get strong!
For players who already somewhat have their bearings in Fighting Games, we have the COMBO mode to teach all characters’ worth of their combo potentials, and the MISSION mode to teach about the characters’ general tactics and techniques. There’s also the staple “TRAINING” mode, equipped with tons of features that allow you to recreate the situation of your choice, to train and research!

Place your personal ranking score at stake and battle with other players in “Rank Match”, or simply enjoy the new “Player Match” mode without any fret! In “Player Match” mode, you can walk around with your own customizable avatars and communicate with other players in the 3D room environment. You can also place an entry in the “Rank Match” and proceed to play other offline game modes such as TRAINING mode, while waiting for your entry to be paired up.
The replays stored from your matches not only show the match as-is, but you can also view both you and your opponent’s key inputs, and you can change the camera angle to view the battle from a different perspective!